Primary Immunodeficiency Disorder: Recurring Infections and Best Treatments
Jul 27, 2022
primary immunodeficiency


Have you ever encountered recurring infections that are difficult to treat? If you have, you might be at risk of primary immunodeficiency disorder. Many individuals worldwide suffer from this adverse health condition. Most people with this disorder don't know that they already have it since it is very challenging to detect. 

The symptoms of primary immunodeficiency disorder can mimic many kinds of infections. Your doctor may successfully treat it, but it often reoccurs and targets another organ. So, what is primary immunodeficiency disorder? What are its symptoms? Moreover, what are the best treatments for it? 

This article will help you understand primary immunodeficiency disorder. We'll comprehensively explain its definition, symptoms, and the best primary immunodeficiency treatment methods. Let's jump in if you're ready to learn exciting facts about our topic.

What is Primary Immunodeficiency Disorder?

Immunodeficiency disorder is when your immune system fails to defend your body from the adverse effects of infections or diseases. The 2 types of immunodeficiency disorders are 

  • The primary immunodeficiency disorder (PIDD) - is congenital.
  • Acquired immunodeficiency disorder - developed later in life. 

The following body organs are responsible for keeping your immune system functioning correctly. They are your bone marrow, tonsils, spleen, and lymph nodes. These organs release
lymphocytes - the white blood cells that detect and fight antigens. 

Lymphocytes are either impaired or missing when you have a primary immunodeficiency disorder. It is when your body has difficulty dealing with viruses, bacteria, parasites, or cancer cells.

Understanding a Weak Immune System

When you have a weaker immune system, you are immunocompromised. It means your immune system is virtually useless in fighting diseases. You are most likely to get sick with contagious diseases than others. In addition, you may also experience adverse reactions to vaccines. 

Common Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (Recurring Infections)

We've compiled the common recurring infections that a person with a primary immunodeficiency may encounter. Here are the signs of immunodeficiency.

Sinus Infections

A sinus infection occurs when excessive fluids build up in the air sockets of your face. Bacteria grow in these excessive fluids. Viruses and bacteria can cause sinus infections. That is why it is difficult to determine if it comes from PIDD. On the bright side, doctors know how to recognize the root cause. 

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

One of the most common recurring infections an individual with PIDD may experience is pink eye. Pink eye is when the soft membranes in your eyeball and eyelid lining are inflamed. The typical sensations that you may experience are grittiness along with itching. 

Common Colds

Most of us experienced common colds at one time or another. However, not all of us had to deal with it many times a year. Common colds occur when your nasal passages get filled with mucus. It blocks the airways, causing a stuffy and runny nose. 

Individuals with PIDD suffer more from colds than usual than those with a robust immune system. 


One of the most threatening infections you may experience with PIDD is pneumonia. Pneumonia is a lung infection where one or both your lungs are inflamed. The symptoms typically include excessive mucus production, cough, fever, and breathing difficulties. A recurring case of pneumonia is potentially life-threatening. 

Best Treatment Methods

The treatment approach for PIDD focuses on management and prevention. Doctors typically start with the underlying causes, then proceed to aftercare techniques. In addition, follow-up checkups play a crucial role.

Understanding the Treatment Process

Infection Treatment

Infections require immediate attention. The medications must be aggressive and efficient. Doctors typically use more potent antibiotics for a more extended period. This is because individuals with PIDD don't usually respond well to regular doses. Worst cases may lead to complications and hospitalizations. 

Preventative Methods

Preventing recurring infections usually leads to long-term medications. Doctors recommend this to prevent severe or permanent damage, especially in individuals with pneumonia.

The Immunoglobulin Approach 

The immunoglobulin approach is the ideal resolution in cases where your immune system fails. Antibody proteins are injected to help your immune system fight diseases and infections. The treatment could last for weeks, depending on the infection's severity. 

Reinstating the missing components in the immune system is another method that can provide a permanent cure for PIDD. The two methods are
stem cell transplant and gene therapy. Both procedures require surgery and can be complicated. On the other hand, it significantly fills the role of the missing immune system components in your body. 


Living with a compromised immune system can be challenging and sometimes life-threatening. The best thing you can do is try to live a healthy lifestyle to improve the efficiency of the medications. You can try the tips that we've compiled below.

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise
  • Get enough sleep
  • Take vitamins and minerals
  • Consider allergy shots (immunology)
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and alcoholic drinks
  • Find support groups with similar cases
  • Never miss your routine checkup

Strengthen Your Immune System and Always Be at Your Best

A robust immune system goes a long way. You can always be at your best and spend time with your loved ones. At Allergy Associates of the Palm Beaches, rest assured that we can make that dream a reality. 

Our allergists offer accurate allergy testing to provide you with the proper treatment. We also have safe and efficient primary immunodeficiency disorder therapies to help you live a better and happier life. 

Call 23423432 and schedule your appointment today. Find a clinic near you by clicking this

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