Asthma and Exercise: Safety, Best Workouts, and Tips
Jun 21, 2022
asthma and exercise

Overview: Exercising with Asthma

You might be wondering if working out worsens the symptoms of asthma. After all, exercises or physical activities affect your ability to breathe, especially when exerting physical effort. But did you know that there are beneficial workouts for asthma? Yes, you read that right. Some exercises help reduce the symptoms of asthma in more ways than one. So, if you're living with asthma and want to learn more about the exercises for asthma that will work for you, continue reading below. 

What is Asthma?

Asthma: a chronic respiratory disorder that affects your lungs' airways. The lung inflammation triggers symptoms like breathing difficulty, wheezing, and coughing. 

People with asthma often have trouble with prolonged exercises or physical activities. Moreover, it could sometimes trigger a health condition called exercise-induced asthma. 

Exercise-induced asthma occurs when you breathe air through your mouth. The cold air irritates your lungs' airways, causing inflammation and mucus build-up. People working out often use their mouths for breathing, especially when lifting weights. It helps them breathe easier. But, the consequence is triggering exercise-induced asthma.

Best Workouts for Asthma (How to Exercise with Asthma)

Does exercise help with asthma? Yes. We've compiled the best workout routines for people with asthma. These physical activities help reduce the risks and complications caused by this respiratory disorder. 


Doctors often recommend swimming to people with asthma. This physical activity has a reduced risk of triggering an asthma attack. Here are the reasons why:

  • Moist and warm air you breathe
  • Reduced pollen allergen exposure
  • Less pressure of fluids in the chest

Swimming also has a low impact on your body. Your joints and muscles get enough activities with minimal levels of stress. As a result, you get a full-body workout without stressing your
respiratory system.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is another physical activity that is ideal for individuals with asthma. It is beneficial to your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Cycling activates your heart and lung muscles with minimal effort. As a result, you get an enhanced breathing capability. In addition, cycling indoors reduces the risks of pollen exposure and road accidents.

Walking Exercises

Walking exercises may not sound effective at first, but it packs a strong punch in their own right. A 30-minute walk daily can improve your lungs' ability to supply the air you need. It strengthens your lungs and reduces the risk of complications from asthma. What's more, it's good for your heart health too. 


Some sporting activities are perfect for people with asthma. Sports that require short bursts of energy. Here are some examples:

  • Baseball
  • Golf
  • Football
  • Gymnastics
  • Volleyball

These sports do not require constant physical exertion. You get to have short breaks while playing. Therefore, these are perfect for your lungs.

Additional Tips

The physical activities above are ideal for people struggling with their asthma. Now, we'll provide you with additional asthma management tips to help you improve your quality of life. 

Perform Warm-up and Cool-down Exercises

Warm-up exercises prepare your body to adjust to your workout. It reduces the risks of muscle cramps and injuries. In addition, it also allows your lungs to provide you with an ample supply of oxygen. Thus, reducing the chances of asthma attacks. Cool-down after to gradually stop the effects of your workout. 

Prepare Your Rescue Inhaler

A rescue inhaler relaxes your airways, allowing you to breathe more easily during workouts. This type of medication provides fast relief from asthma. In addition, you can use your rescue inhaler before you start your exercises to prevent triggering an asthma attack. 

Try Indoor Exercises

Indoor exercises reduce the risks of pollen exposure. Keep in mind that pollens are present in both warm and cold weather. You can try many indoor activities that are low-intensity but with high benefits. Moreover, you can use indoor exercise equipment to enhance the effects.

Breathing Exercises

Aside from physical activities and working out, you can also try breathing exercises to reduce the risks of asthma. Breathing exercises open the airways to help you inhale fresh air into your lungs. It also decreases the efforts when you breathe. Here are some examples:

Benefits of Exercising When You Have Asthma

Asthma exercises help reduce the symptoms. They make your lungs stronger and your heart too. Here's how:

Improves Lung Performance

Regular exercise helps improve your lungs in many ways. In addition, it strengthens them against asthma attacks and improves your heart rate. 

Reduces Airways Inflammation

During an asthma attack, your airways get inflamed. Exercising reduces your body's production of inflammatory proteins. As a result, you'll experience minor discomfort from its symptoms.

Muscle Resilience

As your body adapts to exercise, your muscles become more and more resilient to stress. The stronger your muscles get, the easier for you to breathe during your workout. 

Improves Your Heart Health

Aside from improving your respiratory system, regular exercise improves your heart health too. Cardiovascular health is crucial to your body's ability to fight asthma. Keeping your heart healthy decreases the chances of complications caused by asthma.

Stay Fit and Healthy, Asthma-Free

Working out and being physically active is challenging when you have asthma. That's why the allergists at the Allergy Associates of the Palm Beaches are here for you. 

Let your journey to an asthma-free lifestyle begin with us. Our services guarantee accurate diagnosis and treatment based on proven methods. We aim to improve your quality of living by providing you with top-tier asthma and allergy management. Don't be afraid. Stay active. Exercise with asthma. We got your back. Dial 23423432 to schedule an appointment today. Or click this
link to find a clinic near you.

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