What's an Allergy Doctor?
May 16, 2022
Allergy Doctor

You want the best doctor who can help you with your medical condition when it comes to your health. If you have constant sneezing, itching, and wheezing, you may be wondering which doctor to go to. When it comes to allergies, it's best for you to go to an allergy specialist. Why? Because they will do more than treat the symptoms. An allergist has the expertise to go deep into the root of the problem and prescribe the most suitable treatment tailored to your health condition. Read on to know more details on what an allergist specialist does.

What Does an Allergist Do?

An allergy doctor, or allergist and immunologist, is a board-certified physician who diagnoses and treats patients with allergies. An allergy refers to a hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system, which may be caused by exposure to an allergen (a substance that causes an allergic reaction). On the other hand, immunology is the study of how your body defends itself against disease-causing germs through its immune system. 

Allergists treat both children and adults. They may work in a wide range of settings, including hospitals, private clinics, and schools. A common misperception is that an allergy doctor only treats allergies. However, they treat a wide range of conditions, including asthma and primary immune deficiencies depending on the patient's medical issues.

How to Become an Allergy Doctor

To become an allergist, you must first complete medical school. Then, you must complete either an internal medicine residency or a pediatric residency for three years, followed by fellowship training in allergy immunology. After completing those training, you must pass the American Board of Allergy & Immunology (ABAI). This board is jointly administered by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).

What Kind of Health Conditions Does an Allergy Doctor Treat?

Allergists have expertise in evaluating and treating allergic reactions, including

  • Allergies to pollen, mold spores, dust mites, animal dander
  • hay fever
  • eczema 
  • hives
  • insect bites and stings
  • food allergies
  • drug allergies
  • latex allergies

An allergy doctor may also provide care for other conditions that affect the respiratory system, such as asthma and chronic cough. They also treat non-allergic conditions that have symptoms similar to those caused by allergies, such as sinusitis, nasal and polyps. Some are also trained to treat selected autoimmune disorders, which involves overactivity of the immune system such as thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis.

How Does an Allergy Doctor Diagnose and Treat You?

An allergist examines patients to determine if they have allergies, how severe their allergies are, what substances trigger their symptoms and how to manage those triggers. It begins by taking a detailed medical history and conducting a physical exam.

After that, your doctor will order several allergy tests to diagnose and identify allergy triggers in your environment. These include blood tests, skin tests, nasal allergen challenge testing, and respiratory challenge testing (which involves breathing in allergen-containing aerosol)

Allergists treat patients with allergies and asthma by designing a personalized treatment plan. Treatment depends on the type of allergy and its severity. The main goals of treatment include:

  • Reducing symptoms associated with allergic reactions
  • Restoring normal immune function
  • Preventing further damage from allergic reactions

An allergist can treat you with medicines like antihistamines, corticosteroids, and decongestants. They may also recommend allergy shots or immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a treatment where people with allergies receive small doses of the substance they are allergic to over time to build up their tolerance for it.

If you have a severe allergy or asthma, an allergist may also work with an asthma specialist to form a multidisciplinary team to provide holistic care for your condition. Some patients may need additional treatment from other specialists, such as an ear-nose-throat doctor (otolaryngologist) or gastroenterologist (digestive system). An allergist will work closely with these specialists to provide comprehensive care for each patient's condition.

How Does an Allergist Differ from Other Doctors?

Some people don't feel that there's a difference between an allergist and other doctors. Nonetheless, there are substantial differences. An allergist is trained to detect the slightest symptoms, which can help control your allergy symptoms and improve your overall health. The following are two comparisons of allergists to other specialties.

Allergist vs. ENT

ENT is the abbreviation for otolaryngology, or ear, nose, and throat doctors. They specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat (including sinusitis, acute or chronic ear infections, middle ear disorders, or sinusitis). ENTs are surgeons who specialize in correcting structural problems of the ears, nose, or throat that cause chronic problems like nasal obstruction, hoarseness, and snoring.

Ear, nose, and throat specialists deal with more than just allergies; they treat various conditions such as hearing loss, sinus problems, and more. These conditions require different treatment approaches than dealing with allergies does.

Allergist vs Dermatologist

Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing skin, hair, and nail diseases. Some of the conditions they deal with include:

  • all types of skin diseases, including common skin infections like acne, warts, and moles
  • cosmetic problems like wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, skin sagging
  • hair loss (alopecia)
  • vitiligo (depigmentation)
  • birthmarks and scars
  • blood vessel disorders
  • melanoma
  • lumps and bumps

They use prescription creams and ointments to treat these conditions and prescribe other treatments such as laser resurfacing. Dermatologists can also be trained and board-certified to perform cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery on the face or body, such as facelifts, arm lifts, or tummy tucks.

Allergy Doctors in Florida

If you are suffering from allergy symptoms, an allergist or immunologist is your best bet for getting relief and stopping allergies from interfering with your life. Without proper diagnosis and allergy management, they can worsen and cause infection or other health complications. 

Allergy Associates of The Palm Beaches can start you on the right path to allergy relief for those looking for allergy doctors in Florida. Call (561) 626-2006 to schedule or book an appointment online with us today.

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